Monday, October 31, 2016

go back?

Some quote said : 

In my end of 1x.. i have a big regret about what i do before... why i'm so stupid doing that? And i wanna undo it. 

Now... i don't want to change my past..
I realise that every person i met give me a great lesson..

Friend, family, ex... 

Yep ex... i should thanks to every single person spending their time with me and make me become someone like this right now..

Normally i spend a lot of my time with my partner that's make them have a big deal of my life.

let's say.. 
mr A... 
    He teach me become very easy going person and always stay calm no matter what.

mr B... 
    He teach me to love my self, my race, my existence and always try the best for your partner. He teach me to split every sadness i feel to him ( that hard T__T , but code not gonna solve problem)

mr C... 
    He teach me to use more appropriate cloth(before, mr B like me when i use sleeveless cloth which i love the most). He make me realise that, love and protection is not what i need. He make me realise that every single person have different point of view about being loved. And he's the one who make me meet mr D

mr D... 
    He teach me about have a patient, he teach me how hard handling childish action( that time i just realise that mr B is great person, since he never angry to me with my childish act :p )

Mr E (not ex).. 
    Finally.....I found love without a lot of sensitive feeling and still feeling loved is exist. (well i'm not yet learning any new skill here, but i got a lot of happy moment ^__^ )

Now... i just become person who can love myself, always be me, easy going, always try not throw my anger every time( still lost sometime @___@ ) , try to talk about my sadness, appreciate more, and.... realistic(After a lot of fail of course you'll be more realistic :v ) 

I got a lot of thing in my life with them, and it make me decide.. if i could go back i still gonna passed my life like before. Because myself right know create by them, time and sacrifice. So there's no need to go back :D
I don't regret trial n error i do every single time. Because everyone have lesson to learn even in my worst relationship..

Never afraid trying, because everyone have something to share with you.. never think that you only waste your time... No.. Definitely no.. two person will help you become better person faster then alone.. And make you ready to be better person for yourself and surround you..

Nb. I love myself and don't think about change it.. But for some reason, became better person as a part of universe make me have a better feeling.